Manage your kids’ screen time with advice from Hero Mom Kid Mart

Tablets, computers, TVs and smartphones — there’s no avoiding these gadgets in the 21st century, and parenting is most certainly no exception. These electronic devices can be a real life-saver and a game-changer in parenting, but a hazard to a child’s health and development as well. We at Hero Mom Kid Mart have some easy and effective tips for you on how to manage your children’s screen time and get the best out of these gadgets without any negative effects.

Sure, video games, TV and tablets are fun, but they can be harmful to your kid’s eyes and quite addictive overall. Complete prohibition, punishments and rigid rules tend not to work when it comes to toddlers and children. So, here’s what you can do.

First of all, parents lead by example. It’s going to be difficult to stop your kid from using smartphones and playing in tablets when you yourself are constantly checking e-mail and looking at those same screens. Reduce your own screen time in front of your children — that’s a great start.

There’s nothing kids love more than playing, and modern gadgets are amazing at that. Consider offering your child some alternatives that are quite fun and enjoyable as well: after all, nothing compares to a nice walk outside, a trip to the pool or a nice hike or camping trip as a family.

Another thing is not to make electronic screens something precious, forbidden and coveted. The more you ban them, the more your kids will want to use them regardless of your rules. Treat various gadgets as simple nuisances and tools.

Finally, if things are that bad, and your child is addicted, consider using parent control settings on all the devices and set up screen-free time for the whole family daily. No phones and no TV during dinner, for example! Engage your kid with human contact, and gradually that will do wonders.

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